Lumoral in Media

The news on Lumoral innovation is featured in numerous media around the world.

Aalto University, News

Published: 13.2.2020

New high-tech mouthwash uses light to kill harmful bacteria on teeth

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New Method kills harmful bacteria on teeth

The Finnish researchers' method, based on double light therapy, does not disturb the normal bacterial flora in the mouth and does not cause resistance.

Dual-light photodynamic therapy helps kill oral bacteria

ESPOO, Finland: Regular toothbrushing helps maintain good oral health, but does not completely prevent the occurrence of oral disease. To help kill Streptococcus mutans bacteria and the harmful oral bacteria that cause gingivitis, researchers from Koite Health in Finland are launching a method intended for home use. The method involves using antibacterial photodynamic therapy and antibacterial blue light to reduce the markers indicating early gingivitis and plaque formation.

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Light-activated mouthwash kills cavity-causing bacteria

Ei enää ikinä reikiä? Suomalaisinnovaatio tappaa 99,9 prosenttia reikiintymistä ja ientulehduksia aiheuttavista bakteereista 13.02.2020

Suomalaiskeksintö lupaa tuhota 10 minuutissa lähes kaikki suun haitalliset bakteerit - testasimme: näin se toimii 08.07.2020


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Julkaistu: 2020.03.09 10:05




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