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Lumoral: New Advances in the Scientific Research of Antibacterial Lumoral Treatment
The Finnish oral health innovation, Lumoral, has sparked significant interest in the academic community, with several new studies launching in recent months. Mikko Kylmänen, Research Manager at Koi...

Koite Health to showcase its Lumoral innovation at Italy’s Expodental Meeting
Finnish health tech group Koite Health – named one of Europe’s hottest startup companies in 2022 – is proud to join the Expodental Meeting event in Rimini, Italy, on 18— 20 May 2023. Together Koite...

Finland’s Koite Health partners up with a major player in the Italian implant industry
Finnish health technology company Koite Health has signed a distribution accord with Megagen Italia, which markets cutting-edge dental implant systems and advanced surgical devices. As a kickoff to...